Bread (This bread is best pan-fried, and eaten while really fresh, just when it cools to the point where it won't burn you. It works great when camping and using a Coleman stove) 2 1/2 cups flour 1 cup warm water 1 tablespoon (or little package) yeast 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. sugar Dissolve the sugar in 1/2 cup water, add yeast. Let sit about 5 minutes. Add salt to 1/2 cup water. mix everything together (add flour a bit at a time) and knead it for about 10 minutes, or let it sit at least that long. Let it sit and rise in a happy warm place for as long as you need. Either bake it or fry it. If frying it, use a fairly low flame (or high until oil heats up, then low. That would work better.) I've used olive and vegetable oil. Only put enough oil in so it is a small puddle, and the dough doesn't stick. You can oil the bread to keep it from sticking when you are kneading it. Or have extra flour. BTW, I would recommend not using a wooden bowl to mix the dough. A small enamel saucepan works great. Or a bowl. I'm going to try adding ingredients, like fruit and nuts, to make a more substantial bread. (from Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, but written in my own style)